Friday, April 23, 2010

Your Thoughts

I was able to get some feedback Thursday evening at registration. I love hearing what you think.

First, people have been finding this blog helpful - I love hearing that. That helps me to post info & more often if I know people are using it.

Second, I had someone tell me that she was very happy that somebody finally is offering swim lessons in the evening.

So if you have any thoughts, comments or suggestions to add, please do! Remember, I cannot offer you the swim lessons you want, if I don't know what you want! I know it can be a pain to create a google account just to leave a comment - so just e-mail me!

Open Spots

We still have some spaces available for swim lessons. Please contact me if you are interested in signing up.

While I can't guarantee your spot until I have the money, I can hold the and arrange a way to meet you for payment.

I need to lay out my full classes, but I do believe that I have openings in every session.

Again, you can either e-mail me or call the number to the right. You could also leave a comment here, but I would get an e-mail or phone call faster than a comment.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Tonight is the last registration for swim lessons. I will let you know if there are still spots open come tomorrow.

The Benedict Inn is located at 13th & Southern Ave. in Beech Grove - just past St. Francis Beech Grove. We will be in the front lobby.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Since TOMORROW is sign-ups again, I thought it would be a good idea to post again the days, dates & times for lessons. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.

REGISTRATION: The Benedict Inn in Beech Grove, 5-8pm.
$43 per child


MAY (2 weeks)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:30-5:15

JUNE (3 weeks)
Monday & Tuesday 4:30-5:15 *or*
Wednesday (5:10-5:55) & Friday (4:30-5:15) *or*
Wednesday (6-6:45) & Friday (5:15-6)

JULY (2 weeks)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:30-5:15 *or*
Wednesday (5:10-5:55), Friday (4:30-5:15), Saturday (9:30-10:15) *or*
Wednesday (6-6:45), Friday (5:15-6), Saturday (10:30-11:15))

Monday, April 19, 2010


We had a semi-successful turn out for lessons this past Saturday. While we were not in danger of maxing out, I am fairly happy with what we did fill. There is still another chance to sign up this Thursday. We will be at the Benedict Inn from 5-8pm.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Remember, we want to provide you with outstanding lessons. While we have to be realistic in our goals, we can still strive to teach your children (you too, if you'd like!) how to be a swimmer.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sign Ups are Here!

Well, I am very excited about tomorrow. I have gotten several phone calls once the Beech Grove children got home from school yesterday!

Unfortunately there were no flyers sent home to Franklin Twp children. This was only because I was afraid to over-advertise and have to turn away tons of people. Maybe overly optimistic on my part, but that was the decision that was made.

HOWEVER - if you live in Franklin Twp and want to sign up, please come! We are open to everyone, but with our limited times this year, we had to make a hard decision.

I hope that next year we can get more times and classes in, so we can teach even more kids to swim. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Hope to see you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lesson Sign Ups

Don't forget swim lesson sign ups at the Benedict Inn this Saturday from 9-1. If you aren't able to make it, there will be a second time on Thursday the 22nd from 5-8pm at the Benedict Inn as well.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Contact Info

Please note the PHONE number CHANGE. My new number is 358-7286.

Monday, April 12, 2010


As you can see, we have dates for lessons and registration. We are really hoping this all goes well, then maybe next summer we can get a little bit better time slot, with more time to offer.

REGISTRATION - Saturday, April 17th, 9-1 and Thursday, April 22nd, 5-8 and the Benedict Inn (in Beech Grove at 13th & Southern Ave.)

COST - $43 per child

LESSON DATES - May 10-21, June 7-26, July 19-31

While we are sending flyers home with Beech Grove students, we will not be sending them home with Franklin Twp students. Franklin Township students are more then welcome to sign up, but I am afraid that we would be OVER-advertising lessons, with not enough time or room for the possible response.

I do know that Franklin Twp is not hosting swim lessons this summer, and those who do ask may be referred to us, which is great! I just don't want to have to turn people away. However, there is always the possibility of fall/winter lessons, as well as Saturday classes - as long as there is enough interest.

Thoughts? Comments? Questions? *Please leave a comment or e-mail me and I will get back with you ASAP!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Summer Swim Lessons

Here are the details you have been waiting for!

Swim Lesson Registration
WHERE: Benedict Inn in Beech Grove (13th & Southern Ave.)
WHEN: Saturday, April 17th 9-1 AND Thursday, April 22nd 5-8
AGES: 4yrs & up - ALL skill levels
COST: $43 per child
SCHEDULE: May 10-20, June 7-26, July 19-30

I'll give you some more details later today or tomorrow, but here's something to start with!