So with our internet being down, coupled with a rocky start to one of our June classes, I haven't been able to finish up the 'Comments' posts.
The first day of the Wednesday/Friday classes for June, I had a guard who could not make it, and an instructor who was stranded an hour away. Then we had some child drama, so it was a very eventful day.
I was thinking about giving up.
I did not, but am still recovering.
There are always bad days. We are human and things go wrong. We mess up, forget, the automobiles or machines we rely on let us down, which in turn can lead us to letting down others. It happens to everyone.
Please remember this when things go wrong for others, and it effects you. It does nobody any good to get upset and angry, especially when it may be out of their hands. Have you ever had a bad day? Does it help more when other are understanding, or when they are mad and complain?
Just a thought.
I am hoping to get the rest of the 'Comments' posts up by the end of the week. Come check them out.