I do hope that we were able to help you at some point.
Since this is the last post, I have added my 'Sink or Swim' page at the bottom of this post.
Sink or Swim
After this life, there is Heaven or Hell.
How do you get to one & avoid the other?
We are all imperfect. Every last one of us. We are not able to enter Heaven of our own accord. We are to be held accountable for our imperfection & sinful acts. Since we have no way of making it right, we are condemned to die eternally in Hell. (Romans 3:10- as it is written, there is none righteous, not even one)
How bleak.
However our Creator, God, loves us. He sent his Son, Jesus Christ to die on our behalf. If you were the ONLY person in the world in need of salvation, He still would have died for YOU. (John 3:16- for God so loved the world that He gave is only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life)
All you need to do to get to Heaven is realize you are a sinner, and believe that Jesus loved you enough to die for you. Ask Him to forgive you.
That. Is. All.
No door to door, no denying yourself of everything, no being perfect, no baptism, no re-accepting. One you have sincerely asked, you are saved. Forever. (John 10:28- and I have given eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of my hand)
While the above acts are applicable in certain situations, or can be good things, they are NOT necessary for your eternal life in Heaven.
If you have further questions or would like to know more, visit my church website. You are always welcome to visit ANY time you would like.