I have been teaching private swim lessons for many years, with wonderful results. Whether it be a beginner finally putting his face in the water, or the little girl who masters the freestyle, I love teaching swimming.
I feel very strongly about people, especially children, learning how to swim. Not only is it great exercise, but it is a skill that could possibly save a life.
Since this is a new "operation," I am really the only instructor, along with (sometimes) Deb. I guess Deb would be my mentor in this area, since she has TONS of experience, and I am just at the beginning.
Deb has taught and coached and run swim programs for decades. She has even coached a few Olympian swimmers - that is impressive!
With my desire to make this work, along with her extensive background, you can only expect the best from future instructors. We plan on training those who have no experience, and making sure those with previous experience are on the same level as we are.
In my next post I hope to have a few testimonials from those who have had lessons from Deb or myself, so you can see that I am on the level, and not making this all up in my head!