To re-cap, please let me know of any concerns you have during lessons. I would love to explain the reasoning behind it, or to fix the problem.
The first comment I addressed was a suggestion to have female students with female instructors. If you would like to read my response, you can click HERE.
Let's move on to the next comment.
I had a parent comment on the lifeguard. At times they seemed less then attentive, reading or doing other duties.
I have no issue with this comment, and I have taken steps to resolve this. While I know this guard personally, I realize you probably do not.
By no means an excuse, it is easy for a lifeguard to fall into complacency. The kids are with instructors, Cristi is walking around, it is warm...
I have spoken with this guard, and I am sure he will do better. If there continue to be issues, then I will have the joy of my very first firing!
I do in no way relish the thought of telling soembody they are no longer needed, but as a parent, I fully understand the desire for your child to be safe. Especially if there is someone being PAID to make sure of that!
This guard will be performing another task during this next session, and I expect them to do great. My new guard is very enthusiastic and I have every confidence that he will be great.