Thursday, May 20, 2010

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments

I asked my lesson parents to fill out a post-lesson questionnaire. While nobody wants to hear negative comments, I do realize that is the only way we can improve. While some did sting a little bit, I am know that they did have valid points. And now I am trying to build a thick skin!

One of the worst questions on the form asked if they would return for lessons, and would they recommend them to others. I had about 3 people answer "no."


I hate to hear that. I am hoping that maybe they will re-think their answer, or at least give us a second chance.

If you are signed up for lessons and there is an issue during them, please talk with me. While the feedback forms are only for my own personal information, I would hate it if somebody had a bad experience and we were able to fix it. Please speak up.

I understand confrontations are hard, and I honestly don't want to have anybody tell me they have a problem with how we are doing things, but that is unrealistic. I cannot fix what I do not know about.

Since the comments are anonymous, I will share some of them, and try to offer a response, or reason if necessary. Hopefully I will address some concerns you may have had, or if a parent is reading this, maybe they will have some more insight into how their issue was handled.

1) A parent requested that only female instructors work with female students. While this is a wonderful ideal, it is unfortunately unable to happen at this point in time.

If we were able to offer this, then the lesson cost would be much more, since we would have to divide up skill groups to allow for the gender appropriate teacher, which would mean we would need more instructors, more guards and more pay.

I am sure nobody wants to skimp when it comes to your children, but realistically, our price would have to be much more than anyone would be willing to pay. I would suggest to talk with myself, and request that your child be with the same gender instructor.

On the flip side, unless there is a major reason (and I am KNOW some folks have them), your child may respond better to a teacher of different gender.

If you have a strong feeling that your child should be with a teacher of the same sex, please let me know. We may not be able to accommodate everyone, but I do definitely want you and your child to be comfortable with the lessons.