Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments; pt. 7

*Previously addressed issues can be seen at the bottom of this post*

It seems as though I have covered the less than satisfactory comments. I hope that I was able to help you understand a little bit of how things go on the other side.

Since I have taken the time to go over the more negative comments, I thought that it would be helpful - a fair to us - to tell you some of the positive comments we have received.

We had many people say that the cost was fair, a good deal, and reasonable. While the cost will probably go up in sessions after this summer, we will still try to keep it as low as possible. Whatever the increase, we will make sure that it will be helpful in improving our lessons.

People have said they like the location of our lessons (Beech Grove), and that the evening times are very helpful. Out of the tons of people I have talked with in the last 4 months, only ONE said that evening times was the only reason they could not participate. I think that's pretty good since I have talked with a lot of folks!

Parents also liked that their children were given time to get adjusted to the water (beginner class), and they also like that their kids like it.

As adults, we tend to focus on getting to work, and working until a job is done. If you have children, you know that this is often times radically different from how they operate!

A little playtime here & there during lessons will not only give them a chance to enjoy what they are doing, but it will also let them get more comfortable in the water & with their instructor. If kids aren't comfortable and they have a teacher who is ALL business, they will not want to learn, not enjoy themselves, and no one is happy at the end of the day.

1) Same gender instructors
2) Lifeguard attention
3) Out of water time
4) Skill progression
5) Not enough activity
6) Punctuality