Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More News...

I realize it has been a looong time sine I last posted, and I do apologize. Between different illnesses, family trips, and of course, the most recent holiday, I have fallen behind in many areas.

As of this moment, the pool is still scheduled to close at the end of March. I am trying to work out a final lesson program or those of you who will be able to participate during the school year.

I am hoping to have some better information by the end of this week - please feel free to get in touch with me (e-mail is best, but you may also call) if you have questions, or if nothing is posted again by the beginning of next week.

I hope you had a very merry Christmas, and that next year is blessed for you.


Monday, October 11, 2010


Well, it looks as though the Benedict Inn pool will be closing come spring time. I am hoping to get in a lesson session before that happens, probably sometime during March, right before it closes. I will have more information as I get it, as well as any relevant updates.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Next session update

After much thinking, prayer and advice gathering, I have made the very difficult decision of not having a fall session for swimming.

There are definitely the people to fill a session, but since nothing has been formalized, I thought this is the best decision.

While I love to do this, I have many responsibilities not only to my family, but to myself as well, and many things are getting neglected with the pressure of having lessons. If we had a light summer, then it wouldn't be a big deal, but I started planning and organizing for lessons in March, and am just now getting over the final session.

I will still post on things you can do to help your children begin to swim, as well as developments on future lessons.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you so much for your understanding.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What you can do, part 2

Bubbles. It sounds juvenile and way to easy for most kids. However, blowing bubbles is a good way to start introducing breath control. When swimming, it is easy to run out of breath.

Teaching them to slowly release breath is the best way to start breath control. The benefit is that younger kids get a kick out of seeing bubbles, and now they can produce them without getting in trouble at the dinner table!

Older swimmer? Nose bubbles. This is a good practice to get into at any age. if you must hold your nose when going under or jumping, then your hands are only working at 50%. This will free up both hands, as well as make a faster swimmer.

If your child is nervous about getting water in their nose, start slowly. Have them blow from their nose close enough to the water to make the surface move. A bathtub or small pool may be best to start to avoid waves. Gradually get closer to the water until they are actually blowing underneath the surface.

Both of these can be done over and over for practice. You make a game to see how long they can make the bubbles go before they run out of air. Then see if the can beat their time. They could even practice slow breath release anywhere, then be ready for the water when it is accessible.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or even any other suggestions!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fall/ Winter session

We will be having a fall/ winter session. The times will be October 15-30. A Friday/Saturday combo for 3 weeks. The times will be Fridays at 5:15 and Saturdays at 1:15.

In an effort to keep this session small-ish, there will be limited spaces. In keeping with the first come, first served, I will be contacting those who have shown an interest earlier this summer. I will then move down the list to those I hear from starting today. Thank you for understanding.

There will also be a payment deadline. If you will be signing up, I MUST have your fee by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st.

I will post again soon on the amount of availability. If you have any questions, please leave a comment, or E-MAIL ME. This will be the easiest way to get a hold of me, and probably get the quickest response.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What you can do, part 1

I am still waiting on a response about dates for the fall session, and I promise to post as soon as I find out anything. Until then, I will finally begin a series that I had tried to start a while back....

This may sounds very counterproductive to a parent who wants their child to learn, but let them play. Get them to a body of water (where you are comfortable of course), and let them splash around and just have fun.

If a child isn't comfortable in the water, he will not be successful in swim lessons. Sometimes private lessons are best for those who do have fears of the water. On the bright side, if a child is scared, you don;t need to fork out the money for lessons, if you are an able bodied swimmer. You can get your child acclimated to the water. Just go slowly and let them get used to it at their speed.

Is your child not afraid? Try to let them play in water they can barely touch in. They will be comfortable with the ground so close, but will also be challenged while playing & having fun.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Business as Usual

I first would like to apologize for neglecting (again) posting here. I have no real reason, but some of my excuses include VBS at our church, an upcoming family wedding for which I am doing the cake, and just plain old business.

OK. I realized that most places of business have hours. This is nice so you can know when to expect someone to answer the phone, when you can stop by, etc.

I have no such hours.

However, I thought I would let you know when you would be most likely to get a hold of me, and when you would definitely not. That being said, I do always check my messages, and try to return calls within 3-4 days at the most.

I do as much as I can to not work on Sundays. Yes, we can debate the actual 7th day of the week, the day of rest, blah, blah, blah. However, Sundays we go to church as a family, and it is the one day I count on my husband not being at work for any length of time. I started working when I was 17. From the beginning, I have not worked Sundays. I know I have missed out on employment because of this. I do not mind. I believe that my decision has been honored and I have been blessed for it.

So, enough of that.

My children usually nap (ha.ha.) around 1-3, so it is easier for me to answer my phone, then, or to return calls during that time.

I try very hard not to call people after 9pm, so there is a good chance I will not answer the phone after that hour.

I do not guard regularly at the pool, so I cannot give you a time you can find me there, unless it is during the hours of lessons.

I hope this has helped a little bit. I will try to get a page done on 'business hours' and have it posted to the right so you can easily find in the future. But for now....

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What you can do...

If you are anything like me, you will try to figure out a way to do something for yourself, before paying somebody else to do it. I do a lot of homemade items, such as household cleaner, body scrub, bread. Not all at the same time, but I can save a good chunk of change when I want to.

I was thinking about swimming. I am incredibly blessed that I have a daughter who LOVES to swim. Teaching her has been such a joy. She will soak up anything I tell her (in regards to swimming), and just take off. I cannot describe the peace I feel knowing that I do not have to worry about her around water. Which is not to say I let her swim alone, but I don't need to watch her every second like a hawk.

This little freedom allows me to focus on my son. He is not a water bug like his sister. He loves to swim, but he needs to either be able to touch, or hold onto an adult. And splashing is a huge offense. It will not be a walk in the park to teach him, but it will be a challenge.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I think that a good deal of parents can teach their children how to swim. Maybe not at an Olympic training level, but a basic survival/able to have fun in the water level.

I have decided to try to pass along some of the tips and techniques I use for my private lessons, as well as my own children.

Please let me know if you have specific questions, and if you are finding any of my posts helpful. Feedback my not always be fun, but I am sure it can be helpful most of the time.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July Session Update

Registration is closed for July.

I am still taking names & numbers for those who are interested in a fall/winter session. I am thinking towards the beginning of October, and probably 2 days a week for three weeks. It may get tweaked a bit, nothing has been set in wet sand just yet.

The plan will then be to offer an early spring session and 1 summer session.

I have loved doing this program this summer, and loved trying to provide outstanding lessons. If you have participated and would like to share your experience, please feel free to leave a comment.

While I did enjoy this summer, it has been a bit stressful and just plain crazy at times. The goal behind the three times a year session (other than the obvious), is to be able to relax between sessions, and be fully ready for the next one. I have barely had time to breathe since the sessions were so close together. But it wasn't a bad thing.... usually.

So if you have missed lessons this year, are looking for an activity during the school year, or just want your kids to learn to swim, please let me know. Send me an e-mail and tell me if you would be interested in a fall session, the early spring session, or both. I will get in touch with you, and I will also be sure to post any developments regarding future sessions.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

Enjoy your freedoms & don't forget where they came from.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July is Here

I have been neglecting posts here for a while. I had a migraine get the better of me two days in a row, then I am trying to prepare for a wedding shower this weekend, and the wedding only a few weeks from now!

So, as of right now, there are NO more beginner spots. There are only a FEW intermediate places, and several advanced openings.

There is one week left until registration is closed. JULY 10 is the last day.

I will get to some comments/suggestions from this previous session in a day or two. Until then, enjoy your summer and have a great holiday weekend!

Friday, June 25, 2010

July Session Update II

Well, July is almost full. I am surprised, but also very happy.

While our beginner classes are full, we still have some intermediate & advanced spaces. Please call or e-mail if you are interested.

Once final calls have been made, if there are any spots opened up, I will post it here. If you are interested in possible open beginner spots, please let me know.

I will be starting tomorrow (hopefully) the comments/suggestions from this group of lessons. Please check back to see if any of your questions are addressed, or if you may have any further suggestions.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

July Session Update

We are still a couple of weeks to closing registration for the July session, and it is almost full.

I believe there are still one or two beginner spots open, a few intermediate spaces, and several advanced places open.

I am thinking about doing a two week session sometime in October. Only 3 days a week or two weeks. That or 4 days a week for two weeks, but then the price would go up. Do you have any thoughts on the matter? If so, voice them now!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

July Spots Update

I am very pleased (as well as a little surprised!) that our July spots are filling up very nicely.

I have already closed several classes - since they are full - and will probably have to close a few more over the next few days.

The beginner classes are the ones that are very close to being completely full. There are still a few intermediate & advanced spaces open in each class time.

If you are interested in signing up, or have questions, please call or e-mail me. Once we are full, we are full!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments; pt. 7

*Previously addressed issues can be seen at the bottom of this post*

It seems as though I have covered the less than satisfactory comments. I hope that I was able to help you understand a little bit of how things go on the other side.

Since I have taken the time to go over the more negative comments, I thought that it would be helpful - a fair to us - to tell you some of the positive comments we have received.

We had many people say that the cost was fair, a good deal, and reasonable. While the cost will probably go up in sessions after this summer, we will still try to keep it as low as possible. Whatever the increase, we will make sure that it will be helpful in improving our lessons.

People have said they like the location of our lessons (Beech Grove), and that the evening times are very helpful. Out of the tons of people I have talked with in the last 4 months, only ONE said that evening times was the only reason they could not participate. I think that's pretty good since I have talked with a lot of folks!

Parents also liked that their children were given time to get adjusted to the water (beginner class), and they also like that their kids like it.

As adults, we tend to focus on getting to work, and working until a job is done. If you have children, you know that this is often times radically different from how they operate!

A little playtime here & there during lessons will not only give them a chance to enjoy what they are doing, but it will also let them get more comfortable in the water & with their instructor. If kids aren't comfortable and they have a teacher who is ALL business, they will not want to learn, not enjoy themselves, and no one is happy at the end of the day.

1) Same gender instructors
2) Lifeguard attention
3) Out of water time
4) Skill progression
5) Not enough activity
6) Punctuality

Monday, June 21, 2010

July Session Update

The July session is actually filling up pretty quickly. Nothing is 'flying from the shelves,' but the spots are being taken.

This is very exciting!

If you do want to register for the July session, the last date to do so is Saturday, July 10th. You can call me, or e-mail me. You must pay for the session before the start of classes.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, June 14, 2010

July Session Change

Due to the response to the July session, the earlier time on Wednesday/Friday/Saturday will NOT be offered.

The Monday/Tuesday/Thursday time and the later times for Wednesday/Friday/Saturday are still open and there are still spots available.

The July session is as follows:

Monday/Tuesday/Thursday; 4:30-5:15

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good days, Bad days

So with our internet being down, coupled with a rocky start to one of our June classes, I haven't been able to finish up the 'Comments' posts.

The first day of the Wednesday/Friday classes for June, I had a guard who could not make it, and an instructor who was stranded an hour away. Then we had some child drama, so it was a very eventful day.

I was thinking about giving up.

I did not, but am still recovering.

There are always bad days. We are human and things go wrong. We mess up, forget, the automobiles or machines we rely on let us down, which in turn can lead us to letting down others. It happens to everyone.

Please remember this when things go wrong for others, and it effects you. It does nobody any good to get upset and angry, especially when it may be out of their hands. Have you ever had a bad day? Does it help more when other are understanding, or when they are mad and complain?

Just a thought.

I am hoping to get the rest of the 'Comments' posts up by the end of the week. Come check them out.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

July Session

While the spots aren't flying off the shelves so to speak, the July session is getting a good number of students.

I hope that as the June session nears a close that more people will want to sign up for July.

The last day to register for the July session is Saturday, July 10th. This will be out last summer swim session. There may be another session in the fall and/or winter, but right now I only have about 2 people interested. Hardly enough to justify an entire session.

If you are interested in a fall or winter session, please let me know so we can either start planning it, or put our energies into private lessons.

Whatever you are looking for, I hope I can help you out one way or another. Please feel free to ask questions or give feedback.

I will keep you informed of the openings for July!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments; pt. 5

So this comment has been made by at least a couple of parents, and I find no problem with it. Just because it was a problem, does not mean that it was not noticed, and we are taking steps to right it.

The issue? No enough activity. I understand, why is there not more going on?

First, with a class of 5 children is difficult to engage every child every minute of every class. That being said, I have told my instructors to make sure that they give the children - who are not being actively work with - something to work on while they are waiting. Bubble blowing. Going under. Freestyle breathing.

There are many things that your child could be working on during that down time. Please reinforce to your child to listen to the teacher and try to practice when they are not with their teacher.

Also, please try to remember that they are children. Unless they are fearful or uncertain, then the water is just a fun place for them! They love to play and go under and splash and explore this new sensation. Especially if they are not exposed to it on a regular basis. Try to imagine how they must feel to be able to come and play with other kids in such a fun place!

I really did try to make it to every class several times during the class periods to help and see how things were going. The instructors had (and will have) skill sheets to refer to during lessons, and goals to work towards.

We are also having another training day tomorrow afternoon. I have my instructors coming in to the pool for an hour to work with several kids of different ages & skills levels. I will be there to help them and show them how to maximize their time with the kids, while at the same time making it a fun experience for the kids.

As always, I cannot fix a problem if I do not know that it exists. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's class, please ask me about it. I would much rather discuss it and try ti fix it than get a bad review.

While no one sees the post-lesson questionnaires but me (and no one is making me hand them out), I would much rather try to correct something and have parents be pleased with the lessons than having someone discontent when I could have done something to help.

1) Same gender instructors
2) Lifeguard attention
3) Out of water lesson time
4) Skill progress

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments; pt. 6

*you can see the previous issues addressed bellow*

Time. We have talked about time out of the water and standing around time. Now I am talking about instructor time.

As with any job, there are people who are early. People who are just on time. People who are late. People who you wonder if they realized that they are supposed to be anywhere.

I am an early person. I have a phobia of being dreadfully late, so more often that not, I am super early. I ask my staff to be to lessons at least 10min early.

I had one instructor get stuck in traffic the very first day. She was early each day after.

I had one instructor still in school, so he was consistently late. Not overly so, but it was definitely after the lessons had begun. He was a very reliable teacher and I would much rather have to wait on a good teacher than settle for an on-time mediocre one.

I will be reiterating the arrival time to my staff for this upcoming session, as well as giving them more responsibilities other than the lessons.

We are still finding our method. This is out first year. I am trying to do everything right, and must realize I cannot. Please bear with me - and my staff - as we are really trying hard to provide the best lessons possible for you.

1) Same gender instructors
2) Lifeguard attention
3) Out of water time
4) Skill progress
5) Not enough activity

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Session 'Closed'

Not closed as is in not happening, just closed to registration. However, there are still many spots open in July - in the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday time and both options for Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Spaces can be held, but not guaranteed until you have paid.

All money is due before the start of the session.

If you are interested in the July session, or have any questions, please call or e-mail me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

June Spaces Filling Up

The Monday/Tuesday classes in June only have ADVANCED spots available.

As of right now, there are still open spots for all levels in each of the Wednesday/Friday times.

Please call or e-mail me with any questions or if you'd like to register.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

June Registration

I want to take a brief detour from the comments/suggestions to fill you in on our filling up!

May 31st will be the last day to register for a June swim class. There are still many openings in July, and that will remain open for about another month or so.

As much as I would love to keep registration open until the last possible minute, it is just not possible given the staff and budget we are working with.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you'd like to sign up your child.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments; pt. 4

I have been responding to the comments left on the post-lesson questionnaire form the May session. The previous responses can be found at the bottom of this post.

I hate getting comments that are negative. I'm sure nobody likes it. That being said, if you have a concern, please talk with me about it. I ask you to talk with me. Not shout or whine, or complain. Staying home with my children, I get enough of that!

I am more than happy to address your concerns and try to fix them or explain my reasoning. Really. I love to explain why things are the way they are, or to help resolve a problem. All I ask is that you are calm, cool and collected and at least want to find an answer or solution.

Some parents are concerned with their child's progression in the water. I am right there with them. After 6 classes, how can they not swim well? First off, this is our first year. Which is not to say we are all new at this. I am simply saying that just because there was no major improvement, does not mean that your child is not doing better. I am only pointing out that we do not have 2 or 3 stages of beginner classes, which would be ideal.

I am hoping that we do have enough children next year to support something to that effect. A Beginner I, Beginner II, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, etc. We just do not have the funding or staff for that right now.

I had a parent suggest that a progress report was given to the parents. I agree. It is nice to know how your child is doing. I am hoping that about midway through this next session we can offer a small report on the progression of our students. Just because your son isn't officially ready for the intermediate class, does not mean he isn't much better than when he began two weeks ago.

If you have questions about your child's progression, please talk with me or the teacher. Since I do not get the opportunity to work with all of the children, talking with the teacher is best. Ask me, or the instructor when would be a good time - right then, or maybe before the next lesson. We want to help the children. If we don't get any results, then our time is wasted, as well as yours.

Something else to consider is the fact that these are group lessons. Albeit smaller groups than some offered, groups nonetheless. Your child will not have as much progress as they may from private lessons. Please try to keep expectations realistic.

Also, children can plateau. Your daughter may have made great strides over the past few years, then she kind of stalls in the water this summer. Muscle development, mental development or desire can all play a part in this. A 5yr old may be able to get along fine in the deep end, but may lack the coordination at that age to perform freestyle & backstroke.

1) Same gender instructors
2) Lifeguard attention
3) Lesson time spent out of water

Friday, May 21, 2010

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments; pt. 3

At the end of lessons, a questionnaire was filled out by the parents of the students. I have been responding & answering the comments & questions. If you missed the first two responses, there are links to them at the bottom of this post.

I had a number of parents comment on the lesson length. This is tricky. I completely understand where they are coming from, and having taught lessons, I understand the other side as well. Please let me try to shed some light.

A) One of the major things to first teach children about the water is safety. Whether they are terrified or fearless, they must learn how to be safe around water. Part of the time is taken up by reviewing the safety rules of the pool, and swimming in general.

B) Sometimes the skill level of the child is not necessarily what they need. I will elaborate more on progression in the next post, but for now I am talking about the out of water time. Let's take beginners. A 4yr old will have an easier time practicing freestyle & back stroke ares out of the water before trying them in the water. It is also easier for the instructor to correct their technique on solid ground, then in wavy water.

*I will address comments about the instructors in a future post*

C) There are classes when the slow migration to the water is helpful to those who fearful of swimming. Unfortunately we had no children this session that would benefit from such an exercise, so I am unable to plead our case on those grounds.

I understand that the out of water time is seen by most parents as a waste. I really do understand. We do need to make sure that these children do understand not to run. Where the deep end is. How to get help. That being said, I will do my darndest to make sure that the out of water time is less during these following sessions.

Some instruction on the deck is inevitable, but we will try to keep it to the bare minimum.

1) Same gender instructors
2) Lifeguard attention

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments; pt. 2

To re-cap, please let me know of any concerns you have during lessons. I would love to explain the reasoning behind it, or to fix the problem.

The first comment I addressed was a suggestion to have female students with female instructors. If you would like to read my response, you can click HERE.

Let's move on to the next comment.

I had a parent comment on the lifeguard. At times they seemed less then attentive, reading or doing other duties.

I have no issue with this comment, and I have taken steps to resolve this. While I know this guard personally, I realize you probably do not.

By no means an excuse, it is easy for a lifeguard to fall into complacency. The kids are with instructors, Cristi is walking around, it is warm...

I have spoken with this guard, and I am sure he will do better. If there continue to be issues, then I will have the joy of my very first firing!

I do in no way relish the thought of telling soembody they are no longer needed, but as a parent, I fully understand the desire for your child to be safe. Especially if there is someone being PAID to make sure of that!

This guard will be performing another task during this next session, and I expect them to do great. My new guard is very enthusiastic and I have every confidence that he will be great.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Post-Lesson Questions/ Comments

I asked my lesson parents to fill out a post-lesson questionnaire. While nobody wants to hear negative comments, I do realize that is the only way we can improve. While some did sting a little bit, I am know that they did have valid points. And now I am trying to build a thick skin!

One of the worst questions on the form asked if they would return for lessons, and would they recommend them to others. I had about 3 people answer "no."


I hate to hear that. I am hoping that maybe they will re-think their answer, or at least give us a second chance.

If you are signed up for lessons and there is an issue during them, please talk with me. While the feedback forms are only for my own personal information, I would hate it if somebody had a bad experience and we were able to fix it. Please speak up.

I understand confrontations are hard, and I honestly don't want to have anybody tell me they have a problem with how we are doing things, but that is unrealistic. I cannot fix what I do not know about.

Since the comments are anonymous, I will share some of them, and try to offer a response, or reason if necessary. Hopefully I will address some concerns you may have had, or if a parent is reading this, maybe they will have some more insight into how their issue was handled.

1) A parent requested that only female instructors work with female students. While this is a wonderful ideal, it is unfortunately unable to happen at this point in time.

If we were able to offer this, then the lesson cost would be much more, since we would have to divide up skill groups to allow for the gender appropriate teacher, which would mean we would need more instructors, more guards and more pay.

I am sure nobody wants to skimp when it comes to your children, but realistically, our price would have to be much more than anyone would be willing to pay. I would suggest to talk with myself, and request that your child be with the same gender instructor.

On the flip side, unless there is a major reason (and I am KNOW some folks have them), your child may respond better to a teacher of different gender.

If you have a strong feeling that your child should be with a teacher of the same sex, please let me know. We may not be able to accommodate everyone, but I do definitely want you and your child to be comfortable with the lessons.

May Session is Over!

As you may have guessed from the title, the May session is now over.

I am very pleased with how it went, and am very proud of my guards & instructors. We will only get better from here on out.

There are still some limited opening for the June session, and openings for the July session as well. I am working on setting up a link on the side so you can just click on it to go to our schedule... My strengths lie in swimming, reading, cooking and not computers. Given enough time, I will figure it out. Or bribe somebody to do it for me.

Thank you for all of your support. I hope you enjoy your summer. If you are still interested in lessons, please call or e-mail me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Session II

We have one week left in the May session, and so far it is going well. I am hoping & praying that we will have wonderful results and very pleased parents.

The June session is quickly approaching. We do still have some open spaces. If you wish to sign up, please let me know and I can hold your spot. Although, it won't be guaranteed until the fee is paid, and that is due before the start of the session - June 7th.

Below is what is now available. I will be informing my parents in this session of these spots as well, and it is first come, first served. You can call me at the number to the right, or send me an e-mail.

JUNE 7-25
Monday/Tuesday(4:30-5:15): Approximately 7 beginner spots, 5 intermediate spots, and 5 advanced spots

Wednesday/Friday(5:10-5:55/4:30-5:15): Approximately 7 beginner spots, 10 intermediate spots, 5 advanced spots

Wednesday/Friday(6-6:45/5:15-6): Approximately 7 beginner spots, 5 intermediate spots, 3 advanced spots

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Since we started our lessons as bare bones and very simple, it has already started to change.

We have taken a few kids from a couple of classes and out them in one class above where they started. We also formed an advanced class with two kids from the intermediate class. My pool lifeguard was a good sport and stepped into a teaching position at the last minute.

So far things to be going well. I am still hoping and praying that we are able to get through to the kids and make at least a little bit of difference, and you parents happy!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Well we have survived the first ever day of our swim lessons! My instructors did great, as well as the kids. And since they are almost as involved, the parents did a very good job, too!

I was thrilled with my instructors as they took charge, and I was happy to discover that they had all been placed with an age group that suits them well.

All of the children did great. I think out of 19, there was one child who did not go under the water. They all jumped - either with help or alone, but not forced, and they all seem to be at or above their assigned skill level. One of the beginner classes may even be promoted to an intermediate class after tomorrow!

While my first day jitters are over, I am still a little high strung about the remaining session, as well as those to come. I am hoping and praying that all goes well, and that we can make the parents happy, while teaching their children a very valuable skill.

Friday, May 7, 2010


We have a staff for the May lessons! I am confident in them, and excited about what they will be able to do.

Since I am running the show, and therefore responsible for all that happens, I will not be teaching. I will be walking around, checking in on the classes, and offering help when needed. I don't feel that I can adequately do both. I love teaching, but I also want as many children as possible to learn how to swim. This is the best way.

I have two lifeguards. C has taught lessons previously, but is more comfortable with the older children. Since we are lacking an advanced class in May, he will be guarding. S is the other lifeguard. He is wonderful with children, and will be a helper/guard. He will be mostly in the water, helping the instructors with the kids, and then hopefully gaining some experience to be able to start teaching in the June session.

I like that they are boys, since some children identify better with males. Especially since my 4 instructors are all girls!

C is training with me to teach, and I think she will be wonderful with the kids. The other C has teaching experience, and she very excited about the lessons. K has also taught for 4 years. B is on the swim team and she is also training with me to be a teacher. I think she will be very good as well.

I hope that my staff is happy with their job, and wants to come back and work with me again. I also hope that the kids like them, and that the parents are happy with the lessons.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sessions Open

As stated earlier, the May session is full. However, June & July are still open for registration.

As of right now, each time has openings for each skill level in both sessions. I will keep you informed when they fill up and then closed for registration.

I was thinking of next year, and the possibility of offering an "early bird" fee for lessons. Then after the set registration dates, the amount would go up a few dollars. Then if we were in the month of the session the person wants, then the cost would be an extra $5.

Aside from the fact that we are a self-sustaining structure, there is a lot of unseen work that goes into late and last minute sign ups. It may not seem like much, and as a parent I know it sounds like a lot of money to shell out just because of a simple date, but there is much that needs doing, and it is a job.

Do you have any thoughts? Any suggestions on how we can raise money? Any ideas to make lessons more profitable for all?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lessons Looming

The May session is full. While we are not at our maximum, unless I have a whole lot of people want to sign up before the end of this week, May is full.

June & July still have open spots at all levels. If you are interested, please e-mail me, or call me at 358-7286.

As the lessons quickly approach, I am getting very anxious. I am worried I won't find enough instructors. I am worried that I won't make the right decisions in the instructors I do find. I am worried that no child will learn anything then I'll have a mob of angry parents!

I am a worry-er by nature.

I am learning to calm my fears and trying to be confident and content in the choices I do make and the things I do have control over.

So, in less than a week we will know how lessons are going. They will only get better as times goes on. I hope we can help you and your children be confident in and around water, and mostly safe.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Your Thoughts

I was able to get some feedback Thursday evening at registration. I love hearing what you think.

First, people have been finding this blog helpful - I love hearing that. That helps me to post info & more often if I know people are using it.

Second, I had someone tell me that she was very happy that somebody finally is offering swim lessons in the evening.

So if you have any thoughts, comments or suggestions to add, please do! Remember, I cannot offer you the swim lessons you want, if I don't know what you want! I know it can be a pain to create a google account just to leave a comment - so just e-mail me!

Open Spots

We still have some spaces available for swim lessons. Please contact me if you are interested in signing up.

While I can't guarantee your spot until I have the money, I can hold the and arrange a way to meet you for payment.

I need to lay out my full classes, but I do believe that I have openings in every session.

Again, you can either e-mail me or call the number to the right. You could also leave a comment here, but I would get an e-mail or phone call faster than a comment.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Tonight is the last registration for swim lessons. I will let you know if there are still spots open come tomorrow.

The Benedict Inn is located at 13th & Southern Ave. in Beech Grove - just past St. Francis Beech Grove. We will be in the front lobby.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Since TOMORROW is sign-ups again, I thought it would be a good idea to post again the days, dates & times for lessons. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.

REGISTRATION: The Benedict Inn in Beech Grove, 5-8pm.
$43 per child


MAY (2 weeks)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:30-5:15

JUNE (3 weeks)
Monday & Tuesday 4:30-5:15 *or*
Wednesday (5:10-5:55) & Friday (4:30-5:15) *or*
Wednesday (6-6:45) & Friday (5:15-6)

JULY (2 weeks)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 4:30-5:15 *or*
Wednesday (5:10-5:55), Friday (4:30-5:15), Saturday (9:30-10:15) *or*
Wednesday (6-6:45), Friday (5:15-6), Saturday (10:30-11:15))

Monday, April 19, 2010


We had a semi-successful turn out for lessons this past Saturday. While we were not in danger of maxing out, I am fairly happy with what we did fill. There is still another chance to sign up this Thursday. We will be at the Benedict Inn from 5-8pm.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Remember, we want to provide you with outstanding lessons. While we have to be realistic in our goals, we can still strive to teach your children (you too, if you'd like!) how to be a swimmer.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sign Ups are Here!

Well, I am very excited about tomorrow. I have gotten several phone calls once the Beech Grove children got home from school yesterday!

Unfortunately there were no flyers sent home to Franklin Twp children. This was only because I was afraid to over-advertise and have to turn away tons of people. Maybe overly optimistic on my part, but that was the decision that was made.

HOWEVER - if you live in Franklin Twp and want to sign up, please come! We are open to everyone, but with our limited times this year, we had to make a hard decision.

I hope that next year we can get more times and classes in, so we can teach even more kids to swim. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Hope to see you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lesson Sign Ups

Don't forget swim lesson sign ups at the Benedict Inn this Saturday from 9-1. If you aren't able to make it, there will be a second time on Thursday the 22nd from 5-8pm at the Benedict Inn as well.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Contact Info

Please note the PHONE number CHANGE. My new number is 358-7286.

Monday, April 12, 2010


As you can see, we have dates for lessons and registration. We are really hoping this all goes well, then maybe next summer we can get a little bit better time slot, with more time to offer.

REGISTRATION - Saturday, April 17th, 9-1 and Thursday, April 22nd, 5-8 and the Benedict Inn (in Beech Grove at 13th & Southern Ave.)

COST - $43 per child

LESSON DATES - May 10-21, June 7-26, July 19-31

While we are sending flyers home with Beech Grove students, we will not be sending them home with Franklin Twp students. Franklin Township students are more then welcome to sign up, but I am afraid that we would be OVER-advertising lessons, with not enough time or room for the possible response.

I do know that Franklin Twp is not hosting swim lessons this summer, and those who do ask may be referred to us, which is great! I just don't want to have to turn people away. However, there is always the possibility of fall/winter lessons, as well as Saturday classes - as long as there is enough interest.

Thoughts? Comments? Questions? *Please leave a comment or e-mail me and I will get back with you ASAP!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Summer Swim Lessons

Here are the details you have been waiting for!

Swim Lesson Registration
WHERE: Benedict Inn in Beech Grove (13th & Southern Ave.)
WHEN: Saturday, April 17th 9-1 AND Thursday, April 22nd 5-8
AGES: 4yrs & up - ALL skill levels
COST: $43 per child
SCHEDULE: May 10-20, June 7-26, July 19-30

I'll give you some more details later today or tomorrow, but here's something to start with!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

News. Finally!

Here is what we have come up with. As soon as we clear everything with the proper "authorities" we will have sign up days & times, and put up signs, have flyers, etc.

A two week session in May, and a three week session in June. Depending on interest, we will offer another two week session near the end of July.

Each session will consist of three days each week. We realize this is a bit different. With no more than 5 students per class, we are confident it will work well.

Did I mention there will be a MAXIMUM of ONLY 5 students in each class? In the advanced class we may go as high up as 7 or 8 students, but at that age & skill level, it's easier to accommodate a larger group per instructor.

I will get you more information as it comes and I hope you are able to come out and learn to swim with us!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Helpful information... hopefully

So we finally have an idea on dates & times & cost for swim lessons. While we are waiting for the final OK on it all, I will try to clue you in on some of the major plans we have made.

We are going to try for a pre-summer swim program. Just a small class or two, two weeks, near the middle of May. We will then have the 'big' lessons in June, and they will more than likely be three days a week, for three weeks. After that, depending on interest, we may then host another smaller program towards the end of summer in late July.

I won't name a price until all is set. I am praying that everything is concrete (as can be) be tomorrow, and then we can start advertising, have a sign-up date, prices, ages, etc. I will definitely be keeping you posted.

As always, please feel free to share your thoughts, comments, opinions & questions!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another update

Since I have yet to receive any feedback, I assume that nobody is sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for lessons information. At least my little tracker a the bottom of the page lets me know there are at least a few people visiting. Thanks!

There is a breakfast meeting scheduled for this Saturday morning (because all meetings - especially those centered around swimming - are better with food!). Hopefully we will FINALLY get some days/dates/ times finalized and pass it along to you all.

So until then, I leave you with the same parting remarks of previous posts - any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions are greatly and eagerly awaited & accepted! You can e-mail me or leave a comment.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Contact Info

If you choose to call (459-0794) with your questions, comments or suggestions, please LEAVE a MESSAGE. I am not always available to answer and take the time needed to appropriately answer questions. I will, however, faithfully check messages and call back within a day.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lessons Update

After some illness in our home - and then recovering - I believe we have made some swim lesson progress.

We will be holding the group swim lessons at the Benedict Inn. We will be working in conjunction with those offered at Beech Grove High School. Which is to say, their lessons will be our lessons... Those previously going to BGHS for lessons will be directed towards our open, chlorinated arms!

By the end of this week, we hope to have times, days and dates nailed down, as well as a Saturday for sign-ups.

HOW YOU CAN HELP - please let me know if there is a bulletin board near you that would be willing to carry a sign advertising our lessons.I would greatly appreciate any help in getting the word out.

Again, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me, call me, or leave a comment right here!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Where will we be?

Well, as of right now, it looks as though we will be hosting lessons at the Benedict Inn in Beech Grove. I am not terribly hopeful with the response we are expecting, so if we can host it where the water will be warm and the shallow end is shallow enough for little ones, then we will.

Right now we will probably start with two, two week sessions, 3-4 days each week. If we have enough interest to go longer, or offer more sessions, even through out the year, great.

Make sure to check back, as we will hopefully have some dates, costs and times soon.

As always, ANY comments, suggestions and questions are welcome.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Where will lessons be?

I am still on a search for a venue for our program. I have had some contact with a couple of different pools, and am hoping that one will work out. I would still like to be able to hold lessons at the Benedict Inn, since it is where we started and it is such a great lessons pool.

Any suggestions? Any preferences?

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So, while I have an easy to remember e-mail & blog address, I don't really find it as a catchy business name. Since I am a little short in the creativity department, I would like to know if any of you have any name suggestions. Something catchy & creative, but not too childish. I want people to know that we are willing to teach adults as well.

Maybe I can make it a contest... I'll start trying to come up with a prize for the winning name!

Ready...... GO!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Contact Info.

Right over here.... -> you'll notice a phone number & an e-mail. That is the new number to call with question about swim lessons, and e-mail for questions or comments. If you have a business card of mine, please make a note of the changes.

What I Offer

I have been teaching lessons for many years. I have two children and am comfortable with kids in the water. For this reason, most of my lessons are with younger children, and sometimes with those scared of the water. I love these kinds of lessons because they have the most potential for growth.

It is incredibly rewarding to see the parents' faces as they watch their terrified child drop the death grip and enjoy being the water. Or leave the steps or put her face in the water. I love it.

Let me take this opportunity to tell you that I do not dunk unless the parent either approves or wants it done. My teachers WILL NOT DUNK!

I have also had children who love to "swim," but wouldn't be able to save himself. These survival skill lessons are fun, because here the child can see the progress & feels a boost of confidence. I still stress they should never swim alone, but in a worst case scenario, he will be able to save himself.

I do not have a lot of experience in teaching adults, but I do have some. I am all for it, I just have not yet built up that base yet.

I teach at the Benedict Inn and it is a great instructional pool. Warm waters, 3ft to 9ft and not as large as some pools, so the intimidation may not be as fierce.

I will usually go as young as 3, and not for as long as, say, a child of 8yrs. With children younger than 3 - it really depends. I have not yet done it, but I would suggest one lesson, with the parent, and show the parent techniques they can use to help the child. I would tell them what the little person should know before we have full-fledged lessons.

I have no problem admitting when I can no longer teach. Let me explain - if we have been going for 6 weeks and your child has plateaued, I will not continue to teach him, and will be honest and open with you. I will tell you that we should take a break, and maybe try again in a month or two. There is no good from wasting my time, plus your time & money.

Anyway, if you have any questions for me about private lessons, please feel free to leave a comment, but please include an e-mail or another way to get in touch with you about specific questions. I will answer general questions in a comment, or another post, if I get enough.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another Plea for Help

Tired of my whining? I know, I am too. We really want this to work out, and I am getting worried that it will fizzle before it even begins. I am hoping that by the end of the week (or early next) we can get signs up on community boards like the grocery stores, churches, libraries... any other suggestions? Maybe that will help.

We need to know when is the best time for your lessons, when is the worst. Are you interested at all? Please let us know. We would love to be able to hold sign-ups, but maybe it won't go well with your schedule. Don't wish you had spoken up. SPEAK UP!

As in a previous post, we expect to provide you with outstanding service in way of lessons. I am not promising your child will be in the next Olympics, but we will try our hardest to get them, to progress. Our long-term goal is to be able to track children - basically when you check in with us next summer, we would be able to look up your child's name, their experience level and where they are at, and place them in the appropriate class, quickly & easily.

Well, I find it hard to believe no one has an opinion about swimming lessons. Are you NOT interested in lessons? Why not?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Where We Teach

We are currently planning on hosting swim lessons at the Benedict Inn Retreat & Conference Center in Beech Grove.

While private lessons will continue to be held there without a problem, we are searching for times when we can have the group lessons. This is why YOUR FEEDBACK is so IMPORTANT!

So let me tell you about the Benedict Inn pool. It is usually used as a therapy pool. There are aerobics & arthritis classes, open adult swim, lap swim only and family swim times.

The family swim times are only on Friday from 6-8pm, and Saturday afternoons from 2-4pm. It can be rented out for parties and swim teams, and even therapy sessions.

This is why it is so difficult to find a good time for out lessons. Over the summer, the YMCA program is held in the gym, and they swim 2 or 3 days each week, & there are two other groups that have the pool reserved with a semi-permanent time.

Anyway, even you do not sign-up for lessons, it is a great place for the family to swim together. Or if you are wanting a workout or need to just get out of the house, it is a wonderful environment.

The water is incredibly warm (thank you therapy!), and the people are very nice. If you are unsure about your swimming technique, try asking the guard - most are or were swimmers in high school, so they know what they are talking about.

Check it out. Maybe you can have a summer style party in the middle of winter!

Do you know of any pools in the area that may be open to hosting group swim lessons?

Friday, February 5, 2010

About your instructors

I have been teaching private swim lessons for many years, with wonderful results. Whether it be a beginner finally putting his face in the water, or the little girl who masters the freestyle, I love teaching swimming.

I feel very strongly about people, especially children, learning how to swim. Not only is it great exercise, but it is a skill that could possibly save a life.

Since this is a new "operation," I am really the only instructor, along with (sometimes) Deb. I guess Deb would be my mentor in this area, since she has TONS of experience, and I am just at the beginning.

Deb has taught and coached and run swim programs for decades. She has even coached a few Olympian swimmers - that is impressive!

With my desire to make this work, along with her extensive background, you can only expect the best from future instructors. We plan on training those who have no experience, and making sure those with previous experience are on the same level as we are.

In my next post I hope to have a few testimonials from those who have had lessons from Deb or myself, so you can see that I am on the level, and not making this all up in my head!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Your thoughts, please

Are you interested in learning to swim? Do you have a child, grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin, great-great grand brother twice removed who wants to learn how to swim?

We NEED your feedback.

We are in the infancy stages of planning group swim lessons in the Indianapolis area. We desperately want these to work, and for this to become a program that will carry on for many, many years.

This is your chance to give your thoughts, opinions, insight & preferences. We need our help in getting this program off the ground, so it will benefit us all. If you have the slightest interest in swim lessons, GROUP or PRIVATE, please leave a response including any or all of the following:

*What days work best for you for lessons?
*What time of day works best for you for lessons?
*How far would you be willing to travel for lessons?
*If you have experienced swim lessons in the past, what were your favorite parts of them? What would you change?

Again, we want to create a swim program that people will want to be a part of for a very long time. One that they will be proud do attend, and want to share with family & friends.

Please, please, please leave us feedback.

Become a follower and get e-mail updates when a new post is published. Follow along on our journey, and be among the first to find out when you can sign up for lessons. And don't forget to check back tomorrow for information on those of us who want to teach you to swim!